My Role: Research, UX Design, Visual Design, Prototyping

Zenreach Insights page provides a summary of the user’s business performance.  

The Insights page had remained static despite the evolution of the product. Improvements to data reporting, new metrics, etc. were not included on the page, making it difficult for users to have a high level view of their account. 

As a contributor to the project, my objective was to dedicate a page that provides a summary of the user's business performance. My goal was to help users make informed decisions regarding their marketing efforts.

Balancing the product vision and the user’s voice. 

Users’ Feedback
Most of the users’ feedback reflected that data analysis helped them to understand the campaign reporting. They also expressed that directly connecting their marketing efforts with their business revenue was one of their biggest struggles.

Internal Feedback
The leadership and the product team agreed that the data presented on the Insights page did not reflect all of the metrics that Zenreach had available.

We believed that if the Insights page provided a high-level view of the business performance for marketers, it would help them to make better informed decisions that will increase their revenue.

The data framework led the design thinking. 

After reflecting on user and internal feedback, I explored different ways of effectively communicating the product’s benefits to our users.

One of my ideas was to present data within a Value → Cost → Return framework. I advocated for this approach because it has the potential to summarize the user's marketing efforts, investment, and revenue. 

Below is an example of the exploration of the data framework translated to a product report.

In addition to the data framework, I continued analyzing user needs and priorities. What do they need? How can Zenreach make their work easier?

This led me to explore alternative ways of presenting the data. I wanted to catch the user’s attention and tell them a story about their business. I proposed that we could provide a 360 view of their marketing efforts by collecting, analyzing, providing insights, and making recommendations based on their data; Report → Analysis → Action. 

As a team, we agreed to move forward with the different concepts I explored (see images above). The leadership team chose to apply the framework I presented to the Insights page. 

Incorporate a coherent data narrative to clearly communicate the product’s benefits.

After deciding to approach the Insights page redesign using the data framework explored above, we identified three levels of reporting to be provided:

01. Account Performance
A high-level view of the user’s business performance to have an overall understanding of how Zenreach is helping their business.

02. Product Performance
A high-level overview report including recommended actions based on the business performance.

03. Reports Insights 
Analysis and a recommendation for improving and/or maintaining the business performance.

Implementing the data structure to the Insights page created a holistic view of the product.

The Insights page redesign focused on providing a first glance overview to users. Users are now able to understand their overall business activity while seeing how each product/feature is performing with the addition of insights and recommendations. 

Results and Outcomes

This project has not been built as of May 2021. The goal is to add it to the engineering roadmap in 2021.

Findings from current user research have validated the need for this experience redesign.