My Role: Research, UX Design, Visual Design, Prototyping

Zenreach Advertising allows businesses to see which in-store visits were driven by social media campaigns.

In 2019, Zenreach Advertising’s user adoption was growing. We very quickly learned that campaign reports were not showcasing enough data or insights to provide our users with a complete understanding of the social media campaign’s performance.

I was the designer of the project and worked closely with the product managers to understand what data was missing and how we could enhance the reporting level in the product.

The campaigns report were brief and incomplete.

Users requested specific data from their account managers in order to have a complete view of their campaign performance. Users were interested in seeing different data dimensions such as locations, time, content, etc. 

As a result, the account managers generated manual reports for our customers. This effort created more issues internally such as: 

01. Consumed too much time.
02. Increased the risk of inaccurate data.
03. Took away resources from other teams.
04. Lacked consistency.

Data reports and insights help users understand their campaign performance. 

I realized that the issue was more complicated than we originally thought. I needed to come up with a solution for incorporating the campaign reports into the dashboard while also alleviating the burden of manual reporting and mitigating the risk of providing inaccurate data.

I started talking to account managers to understand the users' responses towards their campaign reports. Overall, I learned that users had a positive response to the information we were providing. However, users communicated additional pain points, for example, they wanted the ability to export data. 

I evaluated various reports and accounts in order to understand the data that users were requesting and to identify commonalities. After analyzing these reports, I decided to incorporate the metrics that account managers were manually providing users into our product dashboard. 

Prioritizing the campaign dimensions report communicates the product value. 

During the discovery phase, I noticed that most of the manual reports included five key marketing dimensions: locations, creative, time, channels, and segmentation for each ad campaign. It was clear to me that this type of information was important for our users. 

The next challenge was to organize all the metrics coherently with the ability to reveal greater levels of detail. 

This research led me to the following objectives: 

01. Campaign Reporting Automation
Incorporate the data of the manual campaign reports into the product, eliminating the need for manual work.

02. Multi-Dimensional Report
Expand upon the type of dimensions reported.

03. Data Visualization
Communicate the data more clearly.

Showcasing the campaign’s performance in a concise, easy to understand format that highlights its value.

Considering what I discovered, I approached the redesign of each page with three points in mind:

01. Content
Incorporate data that was provided in the manual reporting.

02. Interaction
Create a coherent user flow and make data self-discoverable. 

03. Visualization
Make data-heavy reports digestible, easy to read, and clear to find. 

I improved data visualization to better support the metrics, communicate the product value, and provide clarity.

The improved dashboard reports provided different levels of metrics for each campaign performance. For instance, we were able to measure the standard type of ads campaigns as Clicks, Impressions, and Click-Through Rate as well as specific metrics such as the ROAS, Cost-Per-Visit, and Revenue Generated. The images below demonstrate how I expanded upon data from the manual report in the improved dashboard. 

Continuing to Learn and Validate

The product redesign was launched in March 2021 to all Zenreach users. As part of the go to market plan, we did internal training and a user webinar to highlight the value and changes in the product. 

As we rollout, we are receiving qualitative feedback from our users that allows us to continue improving our product.